
Looking forward to a great year.

About Me

I am a first year teacher. This is a journal of my new life.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ready or Not Here I Come!

It is Saturday morning.  I am beginning to feel refreshed and am looking forward to teaching new content in my classes.  I am excited to go back to school.  The Mommy in me dreads leaving her baby in the care of someone else, but the teacher is ready to get back to her students.  Oh well, my sweet baby Briar is ready to go back to pre-school and his friends, too.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am so thankful for such a great group of kids.  We went ice skating and had a pizza party/scavanger hunt this week without any major conflicts or injuries.  We just had lots of fun.

I am so happy to be able to spend time with my family.  I miss them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanksgiving Lessons

I have had a wonderful week of sharing with my students.  We have talked about symbols and history of Thanksgiving.  They were so excited about the lessons.  I had some students that this was a cultural lesson for them as they do not celebrate the holiday. It was not about religion but nationality.  This really showed my students that we have varying cultures in our classroom.  We attempted to celebrate our differences.

Field Trips

I am looking forward to our first field trips together.  We will be traveling to the capital of our state and ice skating.  I know this will be a rare opportunity for many of our students.  I hope & pray that we have a safe injury free trip.  I hope to have pictures to post after Monday. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

SAR Trip Countdown

Monday is the day.  I am looking forward to having a fun outing with my students.  We are going ice skating.  I am not looking forward to the skating, but they are.  I really am not all that coordinated. They are such an adventurous bunch.  I know they will have a blast. 
Tuesday my students are being rewarded with a pizza party for their performance on their TLI's.  They did extremely well in Math and Literacy.  As far as Science, they performed better than the other grades in our school.  We are so proud. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There are days that I really feel like Charlie Browns teacher.  Enough said.
I think we are all ready for Thanksgiving. 
I love them, but I need a break.  Teaching school, going to school, and being a good mommy is hard work and a challenge. 
I feel like the longer the semester goes the more frazzeled I feel.  Observations, lessons, tests, and grading seems to keep me so busy I have trouble keeping up. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feeling Frazzled

I have been so, so busy.  I feel like I am running out of time to complete my assignments.  It seems like I go from one meeting to another.  As far as teaching, things seem to be going well.  I am ready for Thanksgiving break but only because I need to recharge.