
Looking forward to a great year.

About Me

I am a first year teacher. This is a journal of my new life.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!!!

My fourth week of teaching has ended with a song. 
My kid's were so excited it was my birthday.  (I'm glad someone was--It was a big one.)  They sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 
Overall, it has been a pretty good week.  We've been really studying mean, median, mode, and range.  I think they have it and am so glad that we will be doing something new on Monday. 
I need to go and rest. I have school tomorrow.  Hope you all have had a good week. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mrs. Carlson??!!

Week 3 is now complete.  I can't tell you how many times a day I hear my name called. 
Things seem to be a little better.  I am so hoping that things continue to improve as we learn what we can about one another.  There are still those times that I what I am doing wrong and why will they not just follow directions???  Then there are other times I can see that things seem to be going great.  We have just completed working on a series of lessons that cover the scientific method.  My students wrote a rap on the subject.  They are excited about publishing their Scientific Method Rap in the school news letter.  They have really pulled together and done a great job.  They are not quite finished but are hoping to finish it Monday. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Second Complete Week

I have two full weeks under my belt. 
I have decided that sometimes we model, and still, we must model just a little more.  So, Tuesday, we are going to start again.  I don't know if it's that my instruction delivering skills are lacking, or my students are just choosing not to follow directions.  I know they are listening because everytime I said something about what we were doing Monday they were quick to let me know school would be out Monday for Labor Day.

It's a little frustrating because I know that they are capable of so much.  I've just got to guide them to delivering what they know in the appropriate form.