
Looking forward to a great year.

About Me

I am a first year teacher. This is a journal of my new life.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Parent Teacher Conferences

P/T Conferences are now over and things went pretty well.  It was a very long day. We are starting new chapters in both subjects today.  I am so excited.  It seems like it takes a very long time to teach some things. I hope the students are ready for our new adventure in learning today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wow! What a week!

This week has been a mess.  Can you say stress?
Grades have to be complete, faculty meetings, PD meetings, tests, school on Saturday and sick children have all contributed to my activity and stress levels.  It seems like every week that I have to go to UAM on Saturday, things seem to fall apart.  Oh well, this too shall pass.
Things have just been very hectic.  Hope things slow down next week after PT Conferences on Monday.  I love teaching and being with the students.  Too bad, all the other stuff seems to distract from the important stuff. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Little Football & Cheering

I almost forgot.  I went to see my students play and cheer this past weekend.  They were great!  They did not win, but never gave up.  They were disappointed in losing, but was happy to see me and my co-worker. 

9 Weeks Done

9 Weeks is over. 
These first 9 weeks really have seemed to fly by for me.
So much I have experienced, yet so much still to come.  I have had an interesting time, learned quite a bit, and hope my students have as well. 
I am working on getting all missing work together and into Pinnacle by Wednesday.  This process is a little frustrating.  I am hoping that my students and myself can do better next 9 weeks with this.  There is no reason for some of them having so much not done.  I have decided that they will lose their wheel times to work on this problem.  I have requested to have them until they are finished.  Maybe, if they see they are going to have to do the work eventually, then they will decide they will complete the assignments as they come. 
This is not just a problem in my class its all the 5th grade.  We have been calling and meeting with parents over this very issue. 
I wish this few students cared as much as the rest.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The New Me (Apparently)

I got a new hair cut on Thursday this past week.  Friday, all my students were talking and asking about my new do.  They were all very complementary, but there is always one who actually says what he is thinking in every group.  "Boy, Mrs. Carlson, you sure do look better!"  To this I smiled and responded, "Well, thanks, I think..." 
You just gotta love'em all.
I used a new method for checking bell work this week.  I liked it, though I am not so sure my students liked it.  I created a quiz.  They simply had to use their bell work to give me my question or their answer for various dates.  This activity taught them more than all the modeling and preaching I have been doing.  I asked them how they did.  They indicated not to well and that as we start the new week they were going to start labeling and ordering their work because it would make the quizzes a lot easier for them.  Lesson learned. (AT LEAST I HOPE)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I can't believe that I forgot to blog last week.  It's not like anything was happening--just everything.  I gave my first test.  My students performed really well.  I'm so proud of them.  They work so hard for me.  I hope they realize how much I appreciate their efforts.